Does Stretching Between Sets Help Build More Muscle?

Does stretching between sets help build more muscle? Is this something you’ve wondered before? Here is what scientific studies said about the subject.

Stretching is an integral part of fitness that has been practised for decades, gaining a nod from legendary figures like bodybuilder Frank Zane, who incorporated stretches for the primary muscle groups worked in an exercise for 15 seconds between sets. This method, rooted in tradition, raises a pertinent question in the modern fitness landscape: Does stretching between sets offer any tangible benefits in muscle building?

Recent studies, such as the research conducted by Evangelista and colleagues, delve into this query, examining how stretching between sets can impact muscle hypertrophy. The study involved 29 untrained men, divided into two groups: one that incorporated stretching during their workouts and another that did not. Both groups engaged in identical training routines, including exercises like the bench press, seated row, and leg curl, each performed for four sets of eight to twelve repetitions, taken to failure, twice per week over eight weeks.

The information used for this article was based on a video shared by House of Hypertrophy. See it all below. And the information they used is based on numerous scientific studies:

Interset Stretching vs. Traditional Strength Training: Effects on Muscle Strength and Size in Untrained Individuals

Effect of the flexibility training performed immediately before resistance training on muscle hypertrophy, maximum strength and flexibility

The duration of the inhibitory effects with static stretching on quadriceps peak torque production

Comparisons of Static and Dynamic Balance Performance Between Strength Trained and Untrained Individuals

Frank Zane’s Secrets for Sculpting an Aesthetic Physique

So, let’s see what the science say about stretching between sets and if it helps build more muscle.

Source: ATP

Does Stretching Between Sets Help Build More Muscle?

Stretching’s Impact on Muscle Thickness

The study conducted by Evangelista and his team provides a compelling glimpse into how stretching between sets could influence muscle thickness. The participants were divided into two groups: one performed stretches between sets, while the other did not. After eight weeks, the results were insightful, particularly for the vastus lateralis muscle, located in the thigh. The stretching group exhibited a notable increase in the thickness of this muscle compared to the non-stretching group. This finding is pivotal because it suggests that inter-set stretching could have a specific impact on certain muscle groups.

While the study didn’t show significant differences in muscle thickness for the elbow flexors, triceps, and rectus femoris, the trend favored the stretching group, hinting that a longer duration or a larger sample size might reveal more pronounced benefits of stretching. It’s also worth noting that these results are specific to untrained individuals, highlighting how initial fitness levels can influence the outcomes of incorporating stretching into a training regimen.

3 Unusual Stretches for Better Flexibility

Understanding the Mechanisms

The exact mechanisms through which stretching between sets may enhance muscle hypertrophy are not entirely clear from the study. However, several hypotheses can be drawn based on the nature of stretching and muscle physiology. Stretching could potentially increase blood flow to the muscle, delivering more nutrients and oxygen, which are crucial for muscle repair and growth. Additionally, stretching might influence the muscle’s mechanical tension and metabolic stress, two key factors in muscle hypertrophy.

Another aspect to consider is the potential role of stretching in reducing muscle stiffness, which could lead to a greater range of motion and, consequently, more effective muscle contractions during exercises. However, these are speculative points based on general understanding of muscle physiology and stretching, as the study itself does not delve into the precise biological mechanisms at play.

Stop Sitting, Start Stretching: 5 Tips To Improve Flexibility

Source: Tia-Clair Toomey Instagram

Stretching in Trained vs Untrained Individuals

The distinction between trained and untrained individuals is crucial when considering the applicability of the study’s findings. The research specifically involved untrained participants, which raises questions about how these results would translate to individuals with more training experience. Generally, trained individuals have muscles that are more adapted to stress and may respond differently to additional stimuli like stretching.

The study hints at a potential differential response to stretching between these two groups, suggesting that what works for beginners might not have the same impact on more seasoned athletes. This differentiation is important for practitioners and fitness enthusiasts when deciding whether to incorporate stretching into their routines.

While Evangelista’s study offers intriguing insights, it remains one of the few pieces of research focusing on the effects of inter-set stretching on hypertrophy. An unpublished study by Silva and colleagues hints at similar benefits in trained individuals, particularly in calf muscle development, but the lack of peer-reviewed publication warrants a cautious interpretation of these results.

Conclusion: Incorporating Stretching Between Sets

The current body of research, particularly the study by Evangelista and colleagues, suggests a potential benefit of incorporating stretching between sets, particularly for untrained individuals. However, the application of these findings to a broader, more experienced population remains to be fully understood. If you’re considering integrating stretching into your routine, it’s advisable to do so judiciously, focusing on a comfortable intensity and duration, and monitoring how it affects your own training and muscle development. While stretching between sets might not be a one-size-fits-all strategy, it could be a valuable component of your training regimen, offering benefits beyond mere muscle growth, including enhanced flexibility and potentially improved recovery.

Watch the video below for more information whether stretching between sets help build more muscle.

Read More: 6 Stretches to Reduce and Prevent Injury

Source link: by Robert Born at