20 Best Beginner Calisthenics Exercises

What are the best beginner calisthenics exercises out there? If you are considering starting your fitness journey, these exercises might be perfect for you. You will not need equipment and anyone can start doing them right away.

Calisthenics is a form of strength training performed with no equipment. It utilises only your body weight to tackle large muscle groups. Have you seen someone doing a dragon flag in which the person appears to be blown by the wind horizontally while holding with both hands on a bar? That is a very high-level exercise of calisthenics.

However, some movements of calisthenics can be performed by beginners and that might help you transition to calisthenics.

In the video below you will see 20 of the best beginner calisthenics exercises if you are considering starting dong bodyweight strength training.

The video is brought by Calisthenics Family, a YouTube account created by two brothers from the Netherlands. They also have their own website in which they help people during their calisthenics journey.

Source: Bastien Plu / Unsplash

In calisthenics, exercises are categorised to target different muscle groups and skills. These categories are crucial in developing a well-rounded routine that enhances your strength, stability, and agility. The four primary categories include push exercises, pull exercises, core exercises, and leg exercises. Each category plays a vital role in building the foundation necessary for advancing in calisthenics.

  • Push exercises – chest, shoulders, triceps
  • Pull exercises – lats, biceps, upper back
  • Core exercises – six-pack, obliques, lower back
  • Legs exercises – quads, hamstrings, glutes, lower back, calves

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Check out the 20 best beginner calisthenics exercises in their opinion in the video below.

20 Best Beginner Calisthenics Exercises

20 Best Beginner Calisthenics Exercises

1. Pike push-ups

Targets the shoulders, upper chest, and triceps. Start in a downward dog position, lower your forehead towards the ground by bending your elbows, then push back up.

2. Dips

Focuses on the chest, triceps, and shoulders. Using parallel bars, lower your body by bending your elbows, then push back up to the starting position.

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Works the chest, triceps, and core. Start in a plank position, lower your body to the ground, then push back up, keeping your body straight.

4. Straight bar dips

Targets the chest, triceps, and front shoulders. Perform dips on a straight bar, lowering your body while keeping the elbows close to your body.

5. Triceps extensions

Focuses on the triceps. In a standing position, hold a bar behind your head with both hands, extend your arms to lift the bar, then lower back down.

6. Frog stand

Targets the core, shoulders, and arms. Balance on your hands with your knees on your elbows, maintaining a steady position.

Pull-up-WODs-Athlete-Benefits of Tempo Training

Works the back, shoulders, and biceps. Hang from a bar with palms facing away, pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar, then lower back down.

8. Bodyweight rows

Targets the back, biceps, and forearms. Pull your body up towards a bar or rings, keeping your body straight, then lower back down.

9. Chin-ups

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Focuses on the biceps and back. Similar to pull-ups but with palms facing towards you.

10. Bicep bar curl

Targets the biceps. Hold a bar with palms facing up and curl the bar towards your chest, then lower.

11. Skin the cat

Works on the shoulders and back. Hang from a bar, tuck your knees in, rotate backwards, and then return to the starting position.

12. Butterfly hold

Targets the chest and shoulders. Lie on your back, extend your arms to the sides with elbows slightly bent, and lift your arms slightly off the ground.

13. Hollow body hold

Engages the core. Lie on your back, extend your arms and legs, and lift them off the ground, maintaining a hollow body shape.

14. Superman hold

Focuses on the lower back and glutes. Lie face down, extend your arms and legs, and lift them off the ground.

15. Elbow plank

Source: Antoni Shkraba on Pexels

Targets the core and shoulders. Rest on your forearms and toes, keeping your body in a straight line.

16. Leg raises

Works the lower abdominals. Lie on your back, raise your legs without bending the knees, then lower them back down.

17. Side plank

Focuses on the obliques and core. Lie on one side, lift your body using one forearm, and maintain a straight line.

Targets the quads, glutes, and balance. Stand on one leg, extend the other leg forward, and lower your body down, then stand back up.

19. Single-leg deadlift

Works the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. Stand on one leg, lean forward with a straight back, extending the free leg behind you, then return to the upright position.

20. Single-leg glute bridge

Focuses on the glutes and hamstrings. Lie on your back, lift one leg, and push your hips upwards, then lower back down.

Upon mastering these foundational exercises and achieving the set targets, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle more advanced calisthenics movements. Progressing in calisthenics is about consistent practice, gradual overload, and patience.

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Source link: https://www.boxrox.com/best-beginner-calisthenics-exercises/ by Robert Born at www.boxrox.com