How to Lose 10% Body Fat in 4 Months

Do you want to learn how to lose 10% body fat in 4 months? Then keep on reading this.

But before we get there, you should know that losing 10% of body fat is an incredible feat. If you are relatively lean, this is very difficult, or even impossible. If by losing 10% body fat you will reach single digits of body fat percentage, then perhaps you should click on a different article instead of this one. Like the one below.

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However, if your body fat levels are in the 30+ per cent range, then this can help you immensely. Or even high 20s. But the question remains: how to lose 10% body fat in 4 months? For that we look at how Aria Inthavong achieve that goal.

Aria Inthavong is a film producer at Buzzfeed. He took the daring step of immersing himself in the world of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) for a gripping four months. His adventure wasn’t just about stepping into a cage to confront an opponent; it was an exploration of physical limits, mental resilience, and personal growth.

Although he trained to become an MMA fighter in the featherweight division, he did have to change his lifestyle completely to be able to be strong, agile and lean to make the weight cut.

As you will see below, his story is not only about combat, but also about perseverance and change. He did have a lot of professional help for him to achieve that – and that is a big advantage for him, something you probably don’t have at your disposal.

But don’t let that be the reason why you won’t try to lose 10% body fat in 4 months. There is certainly a lot to learn from what Aria went through. Let’s check it out.

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How to Lose 10% Body Fat in 4 Months

Aria Inthavong’s transformation into an MMA fighter is a compelling narrative of physical and mental evolution, underscored by an unwavering commitment to rigorous training and a meticulously planned diet. Aria’s journey from an MMA novice to stepping into the cage as a competitor illuminates the multifaceted nature of preparing for such an intensely demanding sport.

A Disciplined Approach to Nutrition

Central to Aria’s transformation was an exceptionally structured diet plan, tailored to ensure his body was in peak condition for the fight. Initially, his nutritional regimen was designed to maintain a strict calorie limit while providing the necessary macronutrients to support his intense training schedule. Aria started with a diet that comprised 70 grams of fat, 150 grams of protein, and 215 grams of carbohydrates, all while staying under 1900 calories. This strict dietary control was crucial for him to reach his target weight class of featherweight, necessitating a weigh-in at 145 pounds on fight day.

As the training intensity increased and his body’s demands evolved, Aria’s diet was adjusted accordingly. In the latter phase of his preparation, his daily caloric intake was increased to a maximum of 2300 calories, comprising 75 grams of fat, 150 grams of protein, and 250 grams of carbohydrates. His dedication to adhering to this diet was unwavering, as he meticulously logged every meal and even carried a food scale to restaurants to ensure his portions were precisely measured. Aria’s commitment to his nutritional plan was evident when he noted, “I was so strict with my diet, I would log everything I had on my Trifecta app.”

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Rigorous Training and Tactical Skill Development

Aria’s training regimen was as multifaceted as the sport of MMA itself, incorporating strength conditioning, cardiovascular fitness, and various combat techniques. He engaged in a holistic training program under the guidance of experts, each contributing to different aspects of his fight preparation. With Steve Zim focusing on strength and conditioning, Aria underwent a transformation that not only enhanced his physical capabilities but also his endurance and resilience.

Simultaneously, Aria immersed himself in the technical and strategic dimensions of MMA under the tutelage of Chris Reilly and Daniel Gutierrez. This comprehensive approach ensured that he was not just physically prepared but also equipped with the necessary fighting skills and tactics. The complexity and intensity of his training are captured in Aria’s reflection: “With Steve, Chris, and Daniel, I had a crack team working with me to make sure I was at least gonna be as fight-ready as possible within three to four months.”

Initially, his body fat was measured at 28.4%. After the rigorous training and strict diet regimen, he managed to reduce his body fat to 17.5% over the course of four months.

Aria Inthavong’s foray into MMA transcends the physical confines of the sport. It is a narrative rich with lessons on resilience, the importance of holistic preparation, and the strength found in vulnerability. His story is a beacon for those venturing outside their comfort zones, illustrating that the journey is as significant as the destination.

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In the realm of MMA and beyond, Aria’s journey underscores the universal themes of growth, self-discovery, and the relentless pursuit of one’s goals. It is a reminder that with dedication, support, and a clear vision, the boundaries of what is possible can be expanded. Aria’s narrative is not just about fighting; it’s about confronting life’s challenges with courage and tenacity, and losing 10% body fat in 4 months.

To see his full transformation, you can watch the video below.

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More Information

To counter argue what Aria went through, you should know that losing a significant amount of body fat in a short period is considered dangerous for several reasons, as it can negatively impact both physical and mental health:

  1. Nutritional Deficiencies: Rapid weight loss often involves extreme dietary restrictions, which can lead to inadequate intake of essential nutrients. This deficiency can result in weakened immunity, deteriorating bone health, and increased vulnerability to illness and fatigue.
  2. Loss of Muscle Mass: When you lose weight too quickly, the body doesn’t just burn fat; it also breaks down muscle tissue for energy. This loss of lean muscle mass can weaken physical strength and endurance, negatively affecting overall health and metabolic rate.
  3. Electrolyte Imbalances: Rapid fat loss can disrupt the balance of electrolytes in the body, such as potassium, sodium, and calcium. Electrolytes are crucial for many bodily functions, including maintaining heart rhythm, muscle contractions, and nerve signaling. Imbalances can lead to serious health issues, including heart arrhythmias and neurological problems.
  4. Gallstones: Rapid weight loss can lead to the formation of gallstones, which are hard particles that develop in the gallbladder. This can cause abdominal pain, nausea, and require medical intervention.
  5. Psychological Impact: Quick weight loss can also affect mental health. It may be associated with unrealistic body image expectations, potentially leading to eating disorders. Moreover, the stress of maintaining a very restrictive diet can increase feelings of anxiety and depression.
  6. Metabolic Slowdown: When you lose weight too quickly, your body may respond by lowering its metabolic rate to conserve energy, making it harder to lose weight in the future and easier to regain weight.
  7. Sustainability Issues: Extreme diets that result in rapid weight loss are often not sustainable in the long term. They can lead to a cycle of yo-yo dieting, where an individual repeatedly loses and regains weight, which can be more harmful to health than maintaining a stable weight.

For these reasons, health professionals typically recommend a gradual weight loss of about 0.5 to 1 kg per week. This pace is more likely to help preserve muscle mass, ensure adequate nutrient intake, and promote long-term sustainable changes in eating and exercise habits.

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